Music For Good initiatives aim to build positive outcomes in diverse communities through a variety of outreach endeavours including fundraising, volunteer engagement, public shows + events, and local infrastructure projects that “do good through music.”

Music For Good projects by Prophets.

We have many successes – from small intimate events to larger community stages – with some of our amazing partners. And we will continue to evolve this program. Please check back often and see our Events Page for a list of scheduled events.

Help POM use music for good.

Do you have a community initiative that “does good through music”? If you would like additional information as to how The Prophets of Music Society might be able to support your
project, please contact us.


Invest in Projects that have Lasting Impact.

We fundraise for an invest time and resources into various musical infrastructure projects – such as venues at local parks – that contribute to the musical livelihood of a community in the long term.

Uniting Local Musicians with Communities
in Need.

Music does good when it comes full circle. We promote events and public concerts that connect talented local musicians and emerging artists with communities who are in need of music.

Engage Multiple Stakeholders

We like to invest in projects that connect multiple players in a community: local business and corporations, musicians, community and industry leaders, and listeners.


CIBC Run For Cure

Description of partnership here.

Alberta Health Services

Description of partnership here.

Calgary Parks Foundation

Description of partnership here.

FAQs //

The program typically runs once a year, though this can change depending on time, resources and circumstance. Artists generally spend about a year in the program. 

Currently we are accepting applications from any artist who is from the province of Alberta, 18 years or older, and working on original music. 

Yes, this is program for individuals focusing primarily original music. 

The duration of the program is about a year, however the day-to-day time commitments are difficult to quantify and vary depending on each artist and the goals they outline during program intake. 

Successful applicants are able demonstrate a high level of commitment to their music and to show that they are doing something unique and interesting within their genre. Successful applicants are also those that understand the value of the program and desire to pay that gift forward  through music.